Monday, December 17, 2007

So You Want Some Mage Bikkits

Have I talked about this before? I don't know if I have, but here goes.


Ok, seriously. All you people in Arathi Basin, Eye, whatever, who ask for mage biscuits, and get alarmed and outraged when none appear, you guys need to know some things.

One. You are not entitled to this stuff. When you say in Alterac Valley /bg "wtf no mage table?", guaranteed I will never, ever summon a table for the rest of the night. You piss me off. What makes you think you deserve to have mage biscuits? What gives you the sense of entitlement that I would spend hundreds of gold to be able to get this spell, and give them away to some fucktard like you I've never met, and probably will never see again? Just shut up and buy your own damn food and water.

Two. What makes you think mage food/water/bikkits are free? Do you have any idea of the amount of gold we sink into this convenience? First off, buying the second highest food/water ranked spells costs us 5 gold apiece. Thats 10 gold just to get the prerequisite to being able to buy the food and water books.
Care to take a guess at how much these books cost?
Lemme check my Auctioneer addon, an brilliant, incredibly handy tool that no self-respecting mage, or any WoW player for that matter, should go without (spikes the camera).
The top ranked food book costs, on average: 180.9g (B.O.), 120.1g (starting bid)
The top ranked water book costs, on average: 226.5g (B.O.), 143.2g (starting bid)
So let's see. 10 gold to get the prerequisite to the books, bare minimum of about 300 gold to purchase said books. Combine that with the spell costing 9g to even purchase, and about 16 silver (or more, depending on reputation) PER SPELL, thats a ton of cash.
So... explain this to me. Why would I spend well over 300 gold to give you free food? Just attempt to explain this to me.

"Cause you'd be helping a temmate".

Yeah. STFU and petition Blizz to allow friendly fire.

And don't try and pull soe bullshit about it being free to cast because of the "Free spell" thing before battlegrouns. I still put down 2 of the dusts for every summon. Which is still 16 silver.

"Oooh, 16 silver, thats so much /sarcasm"

No, its not a lot of money. But why on earth would I spend ANYTHING on you?

So, yes. I have a problem with people asking for biscuits in battlegrounds. I spent a lot of money to get to the point where food/water are never a concern for me or my raid group.
I did not spend a lot of money so that some random scrub I meat from Andorhal can have some free food.

And to those people who /w me "Hey can I have some food?"
Don't get outraged when I say "Sure 3g a stack"
Remember. I paid gold so you can have the privelage of asking me for food. It will never, EVER be free.
Unless its downranked. In that case, its so bloody easy I'll give you 5 stacks for free.

For those who are wondering, I paid 120 gold for the food book, and 135 gold for the water book. Not bad, considering.


Anonymous said...

I am not a mage. I do, however, appreciate your mage goodies.

Thank you.

I'd like to pile on a bit of rage, if I may.

When a mage is kind enough to donate a magerific table to the party, DON'T TAKE MORE THAN YOUR FAIR SHARE, you ungrateful pieces of shit! The mage is helping you get quick, efficient food and water out of the goodness of his heart and wallet. Don't fill your bags because you want to have 320 bisquits for the day's play. The stuff disappears after you log off. Was it necessary to log off with 113 bisquits left in your inventory? It may not have cost you anything, and little for the mage - but that is just plain disrespectful.

If I were a mage I think I'd want to /nuke all of the people in my party on a regular basis. My mage DPS would stand for 'Done Providing Shit'.

I hope Blizz puts a 'You can't carry any more of that item' limit on these things (like that warlock stone thingy). I watched a mage make two tables before a raid because everyone right-clicks until their finger print has been rubbed smooth. Did everyone really need more than 2 stacks?

Done bitching. Thanks for the opportunity to vent.

Anonymous said...

I like pie.

Euripedes said...

The opportunity to vent is pretty much the core reason this blog exists.

Anonymous said...