I'd like to take a break from our usual Magery programming, and discuss !!!FASHION!!!
The Dungeon sets for mages prove to be mostly an exercise in sadness.
Dungeon Set 1 (or Magister's Regalia) is a futile attempt to try and visualize a high level armor set. It's garish red and purples produce a horrendous effect that seems designed to hurt loved ones in the ugliest possible fashion. Seemingly concieved by a four-year-old, it would fit in very well... worn by the evil Wizard in a children's story book. An excellent clown suit, by the way. Definitely a set to get for the cynical!
By comparison, the Dungeon Set 2 gets everything right where D1 got everything wrong. It has the same visual skin, but the colors transform it from something garish to something (shall we dare say it?!) SEXY! D2 has a much darker ambience to it, and the dark blues mesh SO WELL with the deep purples of the Set. The Sorceror's regalia oozes "Cool" in the same way a diner hamburger oozes grease when poked with a spoon. You know you shouldn't.. but you just can't resist the calories! *Giggle*
Now, for the D3 sets, there are actually two varieties, and seem almost as disparate as D1 and D2. Incanter's is just... AWEFUL. It seems to try and snag the dark ambience of D2, but completely loses the effect by adding ORANGE of all things into the mix. Orange is a very difficult color to pull off, clashing with pretty much any color imaginable. The Incanter set fails admirably, and ends up looking, regrettably so, "Fugly".
Mana-Etched is a HUUUGE turnaround! The colors are a PERFECT match, and the pattern on the robe and the shoulder piece gives it such a smooth feel. It is visually appealing, with one excpetion. What is UP with that headpiece? Like a mini-UFO flapping around up there. This ruins the effect on anything except gnomes. On gnomes, its just ADORABLE!!
So now let's hit up the Tier gear! (OMG RHYME!).
Tier 1 follows the same type of design as D1 tried, but actually manages to pull it off. Whereas the colors on D1 were terribly matched with the pattern, the T1 gear actually fits! The pattern offsets the disparate colors rather nicely, generating a sense of controlled chaos with the viewer. The headpiece and the shoulders combined is just... Haaawt. It works. It so does. Definitely feels a lot better on females, it just feels... off on a male character.
T2 (not the movie, jerkwad) goes in a whole different direction. It is all about deep blues and purples, generating a very... well, magely effect. The feel of Netherwind is one of the magically endowed, and actually feels a bit... overdone. It's like one of those parties you go to, where one person is juts trying WAY TOO HARD to fit in that it becomes extremely awkward so that everyone gets uncomfortable, and so the person tries even harder, and the situation just gets totally out of control until everyone is shifting and mumbling and the person trying is near tears and the music starts playing Achy Breaky Heart, but then someone starts quoting the Bee Gees, and then it all goes to hell... very, very Awkward. Like that sentence!
T3 kinda/sorta follows the route that T2 went. Its obviously high-end gear, and looks the part. BUT. It manages to pull the whole "I'm a mage, obviously" thing without overdoing it. It just fits so perfectly together, that you'd be a fool to think it doesn't look awesome. I do have one gripe with it, however. The way the headpiece shows up, it looks far to much like a wee little snow parka. Just looks wrong.
T4 is a miracle in clothing engineering. It has only two simple colors, some easy blues combined with some dull gold shadings, mixed with a smooth pattern. It just feels so RIGHT! It's simple, it's sleek, it's sexy. It doesn't say anything, it just glances at you sidelong, demurely, inviting you in to touch it. Like a kitty!
T5, too, is an excellent design. It goes a much darker red and black route, but keeps the same sleek feel of T4. It builds on it, though, adding a feel of simple elegance. It adds complexity, but without looking like it did. A wonderful visual set, it's simply lovely in design and execution.
And then we see Tier 6... something went wrong here. We seem to have gone backwards. This set has the potential to be attractive, but goes about it all the wrong ways. Like a woman putting on far too much mascara and lipstick, and wearing a push-up bra and wearing a tank top four sizes too small. It has the right intentions, but just. Didn't. DO. It right. The effect is one of desperation, leaving the viewer with a sense of "I'm cool right? RIGHT?! Say I'm cool!"
And that is Mage Fashion for this week! I hope you'll join me some time in the future, where we discuss the ramifications of blood elf hairstyles on the Mage PvP gear!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Posted by
11:52 PM
Labels: Gear
World of Magecraft, Volume IV
Sorry this was so long in coming.
Now, for this issue of Magecraft, we are going to assume that you, lovely mage, have just reached level 70. So now what?
Well, first off we're going to go over the standard builds for level 70 mages. You'll see these referenced on the forums as "10/48/3" and "LOL 17/0/44 nub", and other such enlightening and pointless verbiage.
Commence buildshop!
(Disclaimer: the following talent specs are cookie cutters. This means that they are intended as an excellent place to start your own theorycrafting about where talents should go. They are meant as an outline to end-game specs rather than an end-all. Of course, these specs are cookie cutter for a damn good reason.)
These are the three specs primarily used for PvE.
The Raiding Standard
This is an extremely popular end-game build, and one that yours truly uses for any serious group PvE. This build capitalizes on the heavy innate damage and crit rate that comes from the fire tree. By stacking full Scorch debuffs, it essentially gives any person using fire spells a 15% boost to their damage! This turns your fireball spell into an incredibly powerful weapon (even more so now that 2.3 has scrapped the damage co-efficient). This build scales extremely well. Obviously, it gets better the more spell damage and crit rate you have, but because of the nature of the fire tree, it gets more returns than any other spec from those stats. Flat out increased damage, and Ignite provides a ton of damage that only gets more powerful the better your gear gets.
Master of Elements and Clearcast gives you very solid mana-efficiency, and elemental precision is an absolute must for the hit rating.
A very solid raiding build, and comes highly recommended by me. Remember, make sure you have max Scorch debuffs at all times. Make sure to refresh it with a scorch at least every 25 seconds, so that nothing stupid happens and you lose the whole stack.
Drawbacks: A hefty chunk of the damage you can deal is left up to random chance (crits, and thus ignite).
Arcane Raiding
Note that the random point spent in Magical Attunement can be put pretty much anywhere. It doesn't matter, its kind of a silly leftover... thingy.
This is the alternative build to a Fire raiding spec; this is the arcane raiding spec. Arcane is... an unusual spec, to say the least. Let me put it this way... the damage that can be dealt by a fire specced raiding mage is limited by two things: cast time and crits. Those are the two ruling factors for a fire mage. The same holds true for frost. But with arcane, your damage is limited by how much mana you have. Take Arcane Blast as a perfect example. It's cast time is reduced at the same rate as its mana cost goes up. Hence, you are limited by the amount of mana you have. In addition, as an arcane mage, a percent of all your Intellect becomes spell damage. What does this mean? You make your mana pool bigger, thus letting you cast longer. It also increases your crit rating. It also increases how much spell damage you have, which gets ridiculously powerful with Arcane missiles nabbing an extra 45% of bonus spell damage.
Quite bluntly, if you stack endless amounts of Intellect and Spell Damage, you will make tanks weep.
This Arcane spec also has the unique property in that it is the only Mage spec where Spirit is actually useful. Combine the (improved) Arcane Meditation with Mage Armor, and spirit looks very tasty indeed.
Drawbacks: Lack of range leaves you standing within several bosses AoE effects. You will have to be fast and clever to avoid these without hurting your DPS. Oh, yeah, and it goes Out of Mana faster than a Moonkin with 600 spell haste rating.
Frost Raiding (LOL spec)
A highly contraversial spec for raiding, by simple merit that it has the least amount of innate damage than any other PvE spec. A lot of the burst damage from frost comes from being able to "freeze" the target, and thus gain Shatter abilities. Sadly, most of the end-game raiding mobs are immune to being frozen, and only one boss in the entire game can be rooted. Due to this mechanic, frost is sorely lacking in the DPS department. Frost emphasizes control, controlled burst damage and survivability above all else. For raids, it is a poor choice. However, it is an excellent 5-man Instance spec, due to those same reason. Very few mobs in 5-mans are immune to freezes, meaning frost can gain some very respectable damage from this type of PvE. As well, the control the spec offers is highly useful for Heroics, adding a very nice cushion for screw-ups. Hell, any mob that can be rooted or slowed is solo-able by a frost mage.
Again, you'll see we put 10 points in Arcane. Couple Clearcast with Frost channeling, and frost will have mana long after the other specs have run OOM.
Drawbacks: Lowest damage output of the three cookie Mage specs.
Now, for PvP, things get a little different.
PoM + Pyro!
Like any non-frost spec, this build simply will not hold up inside an arena. It is used to its best effect in Battlegrounds, and can only perform well in 5v5 arenas if played very well.
This is the PoM + Pyro spec that is QQ'd about endlessly on the mage forums. It has the best burst potential of any build in the game, provided some jackass shaman doesn't Purge you. You'll be seeing a lot of the kind of super-heavy damage Arcane puts out, as long as you continue to have hefty amounts of Intellect and Spell damage in your PvP gear. And, of course, if you pop the classic PoM + Trinket + Arcane Power + Pyro, you'll be seeing that single spell crit of upwards of 4k damage. Against people without Resilience, it is entirely possible to get close to one-shotting them.
Prismatic Cloak and Improved Blink are not necessary to take, but, seriously, where else are you going to put them? They are very nice survivability talents, and will help you nicely in Battleground scenarios. If you adore Arcane and Arathi Basin, this is the build for you.
Drawbacks: You are so squishy, a Ret Paladin will most likely two-shot you. You also have the least PvP control capabilities of either the fire tree or frost tree.
Scorch Spam
The PvP Fire build. Before we start, note that the points currently spent in Emp. Fireball can be spent roughly anywhere. In PvP, you generally won't be using Fireball; you won't have time. Once you enter the brawl, or the brawl comes straight at you, you'll be using fireblast and Scorch almost exclusively. PvP changes too much, too fast, to warrant a 3 second cast. Otherwise, snag all the usual increased fire damage stuff and crit talents. Skip "Playing With Fire", and shove points into Blazing Speed. A contraversial talent, you will fall in love with it while fighting warriors and rogues. Yes, it has a relatively low proc rate, but when it procs, it's basically a huge "Fuck you" to the melee classes. Combined with Impact/Molten Armor, it basically gives you a 20% chance at a "I win" moment when anyone hits you in melee. And you'd still have all the usual Blink, Frost Nova type tactics to rely on. Dragon's Breathe is also annoyingly awesome for pretty much everyone. The 3 second stun can ruin a casters day, especially a healer.
Now, lets look at the Arcane side here. Put points into both Clearcast and Imp. Arcane Missiles. Whenever clearcast procs, hit Arcane Missiles for an uninterruptible, un-LoS kitable, powerful burst spell. Once Arcane Missiles starts casting it will complete even if the target runs out of range or breaks LoS. And it won't cost you mana to do. This is a common tactic for many PvP mages.
Also, getting the Improved Counterspell is just cruel. It is an excellent way to kill Paladins and Priests. Get it. Love it. It is sexy.
Drawbacks: Very squishy, and smart use of your Instants and Counterspell will quickly make you the "KILL FIRST" target of... well, everyone. That, and you'll probably be on top of the damage charts, thus making you an even higher priority target.
For any Frost PvP talent, you MUST have the following talents:
5/5 Improved Frostbolt
5/5 Ice Shards
2/2 Improved Frost Nova
1/1 Cold Snap
5/5 Shatter
3/3 Frost Channeling (shocker, I know, but you desperately need the mana efficiency. There's so little Intellect on PvP gear, you cannot afford to go without this talent)
1/1 Ice Block
1/1 Ice Barrier
5/5 Arctic Winds
5/5 Empowered Frostbolt
1/1 Water Elemental
The following talents are very useful, and you can pick and choose them at will. I highly suggest testing them, and seeing how they work out for you.
Piercing Ice
Arctic Reach
Improved Cone of Cold
Ice Floes
Winter's Chill
Personally, I can't bear to play without Improved Cone of Cold. I use it a lot as a direct damage spell, so I need to squeeze all the damage I can get out of it. If you're the type who uses it as a snare and nothing more, by all means skip it.
So. For speccing frost fore PvP, there are basically two other trees to use in support. You can either pick Arcane or Fire as a backup.
17/0/44 - Remember the whole Clearcast/Arcane Missiles thing? Yeah, same here, coupled with Improved Counterspell. Pick and choose your frost talents as you wish.
0/8/53 - This takes almost all of the awesome frost talents, and pairs it with Impact and the fastest cooldown Fireblast avaliable. Impact is excellent in PvP, since you'd better be running with Molten Armor. Stuns are good, learn to love them. The rapid Fireblast is also very important, the more you cast it, the better.
40/0/21 - An interesting spec, this combines a lot of the burst damage of the Arcane tree with some of the survivability of the frost. It allows for such neat tricks like PoM + Frostbolt. And, of course, combining Arcane Power and a Shatter combo will see Ice Lance critting for... well, an extremely high amount. Difficult to pull off, but this spec can be incredibly awesome. And you don't lose Ice Block, either.
0/14/47 - Also known as "ADD" spec. It goes deeper into fire than 0/8/43, to get the improved fireblast/scorch crits, and Burning Soul. The idea is, that when your frost tree gets shut down for some reason, you drop scorch's until its back up. Your damage dealt doesn't slow because of this, but you do lose mobility.
0/27/34 - The very strange Elemental Spec. Essentially, it combines Blazing Speed with Ice Barrier, to gain... a very odd spec. It has strong control and survivability, and some very interesting burst damage from fire. If one tree gets shutdown, its very easy to switch to the next. Being able to Ice Block and Blastwave at the same time will confound the shit out of your opponents.
And thats it! Those are the specs most people end up using.
Posted by
12:28 AM
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
My buff! MINE!
Top Ten list of the coolest things that I'e done because of spell steal.
10. Blessing of Freedom from a Paladin, and then watched in amusement as a Warrior hit me with hamstring 4 times with Hamstring. I can only imagine his utter confusion as "Immune" kept popping up on his screen. Poor guy.
9. Snagging Ice Barrier from a mage... that just spellstole it from me a couple seconds ago.
8. Nature's Swiftness from a Shaman. What the hell am I supposed to do with that?
7. I first found out about a warlock's Fel Armor (it is called Fel Armor, right?) when I spellstole it in AB. Warlocks have an armor they can fire up to increase spell damage by 100? What the crap? I want that! So I had it for 2 minutes. And bloody hell, I want it all the time! What a godly buff...
6. In what I presume was a very strange glitch, I spellstole Shadowform off a Priest. Say what you like, the fact was, I had shadowform for 2 minutes, and the priest in front of me changed from a dark glowy elf to a plain old elf.
5. While fighting a warlock, he sacrificed his precious Voidwalker to gain enough time to get a Felpuppy out. I spellstole it, counter-spelled the summon, and wiped the floor with him. I love making gnomes cry. I really, really do.
4. Fighting a Discipline priest, and spellstealing Pain Suppression. I'm pretty sure I caused that little dwarf to cry himself to sleep... Oddly enough, spellsteal seems to snag this buff almost every time a priest casts it.
3. In a 2v2 arena, I was against a Warrior/priest combo. When the warrior rushed at me, I hit spellsteal instead of Ice Lance (d'oh) and snagged Shadow Resistance. Later in the fight, once the warrior was dead, the priest saw his chance to one shot me with Power Word: Death. It critted me for... 4. Thats right. Power Word: Death critted me for a grand total of 4. Best partial resist ever.
2. Presence of Mind from an Arcane mage in AV. Even worse, I didn't notice I had spell-stolen it. So I hit sheep in an effort to waste his cooldown. Imagine my shock when I cast an Instant Polymorph. I hit spellsteal again. Arcane Power? I wet myself laughing. Needless to say, I slaughtered the arcane mage.
1. Ice Block from a Dranei mage that was lagging. Thus letting my Paladin arena partner to get the killing blow, while I sat utterly confused in a block of Ice, staring in utter bamboozlety at my Ice Block button, which wasn't on cooldown... Why does this take the #1 slot? Because a Holy Paladin got the winning blow of arena match. THAT is made of so much awesome, I cannot imagine putting it anywhere else.
Posted by
10:34 PM
Labels: Amusing Story
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
Courtesy of Bill Nye
Consider the following.
Tonight was patch night. 2.3 goes live, and the forums go wild.
Trainable Ice Block is in the code, but it is not implemented. Sadly, the devs are delaying this until 2.4, most likely to "rework" it to suit being a trainable skill. Warlocks were crying long and hard about how incredibly overpowered it would be that all mages would have Ice Block. Complain they did about how pointless there DoT spells would be against mages in PvP.
Somehow, they all failed to realize that any mage above 1650-1700 rating is Frost specced, and thus will have Ice Block. Thus rendering a warlocks DoT spells pointless.
If you're complaining abotu the arcane/fire mages having Ice Block and ruining your arenas... well, you're obviously bad enough at PvP that NOT ONLY are you unable to reach a bracket where EVERY MAGE has Ice Block, no matter what, but you have trouble fighting mages in the first place. I hate to say it, but... seriously, learn to play your warlock.
HOW is it possible for a decent 'lock to have difficulty versus a mage? You can strip our buffs, silence us, effectively CC us for seconds at a time while still damaging us, and our only defence against your cheap, effective, instant cast, no cool-down attacks is on a 4-minute timer that we need to spec for, that even with an 8-minute cooldown (that we need to spec for), we still have to wait 30 seconds to use again.
And did I mention that you guys have far more hitpoints than any mage does?
Nonetheless, you're whining is fruitless. We WILL get Trainable Ice Block, and there is nothing you can do about it.
Healers everywhere are cursing under their breath at the incredible boon to dps raiders that was axed for this patch. I've covered in previous posts how incredibly awesome Ice Block is in any raid/instance environment.
It solves a lot of headaches, makes the healers job far easier, and reduces a great deal of strain from the raid as a whole.
If you can't understand that, you've never been in a situation where a squishy was at risk.
If you aren't frost, your survival options are as follows:
So you see the problem?
Coefficient taxes are gone, thus resulting in a very nice boost for frost and fire mages everywhere. I've already done the testing (FINALLY!) on Dr. Boom.
With a flat +damage of 500, Fireball's DPS went up by almost 100! And a +100 dps increase in Fireball is nothing to sneeze at.
Keep in mind that excludes crits, and only takes into account a lousy spell damage of 500. Oh, and the Scorch debuff was not stacked, either.
Ritual of Refreshment is nice, but I would deeply appreciate a better name, and maybe a graphic that doesn't look so... futuristic hard trance refreshment table. It seriously looks like their should be a large fat man in the background DJ'ing up some music that goes something like "NNtz NNtz NNtz NNtz NNtz"
And here is something incredibly overpowered that I think might get hotfixed and/or nerfed.
Are you, the blog-going reader, aware that Polymorph does not require the mage to be facing the target he is Polymorphing? There has to be Line of Sight, but the target can still be Sheeped even if it is 25 yards directly behind the mage.
Thank you.
For considering the preceding.
Posted by
10:45 PM
Labels: Patch
Monday, November 12, 2007
Dungeon Sets, for Mages
Today we're going to discuss Dungeon3 sets that are avaliable to mages. Upon hitting 70, there are 3 different sets a Mage can choose from.
They are:
Mana-Etched Regalia
Incanter's Regalia
Oblivion Raiment
These are the three DPS-caster sets avaliable from the 5-man Dungeons. Incanter's and Oblivion are avaliable from regular instances, whereas Mana-Etched is avaliable primarily from Heroics (with the excpetion of the head).
Judging by the set bonuses (NOT boni, to the idiot who typed that), we can tell who these sets were designed for.
The Oblivion set grants 45mp5 to your pet, and adds 180 additional damage to Seed of Corruption, when it detonates. Note that the 45mp5 to the pet only works on warlock pets. It does not (and I have tested this on PTRs) work for a Frosties water elemental. This is obviously a warlock set.
Incanter's shaves 0.25 seconds off the Flamestrike cast time, and gives you a chance (roughly 20%) to proc 100 spell damage for 15 sec. when you are hit while mana shield is active. Obviously geared towards Mages.
The Mana-Etched set, however, is friendly to pretty much any offensive DPS caster. Set bonuses are: +35 spell hit, and any harmful spell has a chance (roughly 2%) to give you 110 spell damage for 15 sec. It's a mighty fine set whether you're a Mage, Shadowpriest, Warlock, or even a L4z3r Ch1ck3n... I mean, Boomkin.
So. You, as a mage, should spend hours getting the Incanter's set, amiright? Because it's tailored for you?
Not so fast, there, hotshot. Let's do some number crunching first. Let's ignore the set bonuses for now. We're going to ignore Mana-Etched for the time being, as we can assume it's superior to both Incanter and Oblivions
First off, the Incanter's. It will give you a total off:
120 Intellect, 110 Stamina, 84 Spirit, 150 Spell damage, and 61 spell crit. For socket bonuses, we have +4 spirit, +3 spell crit, and +4 intellect.
Oblivion will give you:
123 Intellect, 157 Stamina, 174 Spell damage, and 32 spell hit. For socket bonuses, we have +5 spell damage, +6 stamina, and +3 spell hit.
Let's say you choose Oblivion over Incanter, based on pure stats. Assuming that you gem everything color-coded, this will net you:
-1 Intellect
+53 Stamina
-88 Spirit
+49 spell damage
-61 spell crit
+35 spell hit.
If you're Arcane, the choice is simple. Incanter's all the way. You don't need the spell hit, you can take advantage of the spirit. With the talents the arcane tree offers, you will find yourself liking the Incanter stats more than the Oblivion.
For the rest of us... the choice is hard. It really is. Spirit is a non-factor for a any fire/frost mage, and we depserately need the spell hit at this point in the game. As frost, the choice is clear. Crit rating is close to pointless, a frostie will gladly skip the crit rating for the hit. For fire mages, the choice is tough. You will need the hit rating, after all, your cap is 13%. So you need a lot. On the other hand, you benefit from the crit rating far, far more than any other mage spec that exists.
Let me ask you this, though...
Can you crit a target if you miss it entirely? No? I thought not. So, to sum up, if you're Arcane specced, you will get more mileage out of the Incanter set, whereas the rest of us will do better with Oblivion.
And even if you are Arcane, you might still decide for Oblivion. After all, it has more spell damage and spell hit. And if you get most of the spell hit from that set alone, that frees up gem slots for other stuff... like, spell damage gems.
And if you're looking for a beginner PvP set, look no further than Oblivion. It is an excellent set for starting out at the 70 PvP bracket. You will adore the stamina it provides.
So. What about the set bonuses, you ask?
Well, the Oblivion set bonuses are useless to you as a mage... because... well, its a warlock set. So, that leaves the Incanter's set bonus.
They suck. They really, really suck.
.25 seconds off Flamestrike? Yeah... thats... absolutely horrendous. Flamestrike is the worst AoE in the game. It has a long cast time and a very small area of effect. It doesn't even do that much damage. A single Arcane Explosion does 60% of the damage (excluding crits) in a larger area, with no cast time and less mana.
And the mana shield proc thing? Just... wow. Horrendous. It requires you to take a hit to get a chance (albeit a good one) to get more spell damage. That doesn't even make sense. First of all, Mana Shield is a terrible spell, and should only be used, if ever, while running away from something. And if you're running away from something, you need more spell damage because...?
Alternatively, if you snag aggro in an instance, pop mana shield, take a hit, then the tank gets it back, you could use the spell damage proc to down the mob faster. Well, except for the problem that you already took aggro, and more spell damage means you can take it back even faster. Oh, and you lose plenty of mana by popping mana shield. And you'll probably still take damage because the mob hits so damn hard.
And if you're frost, you will never, ever have mana shield anywhere near your action bars.
In short, the Incanter's set bonuses provide just as much benefit to you as the warlock's set bonuses.
It's a non-issue, the set bonuses. They're all useless.
Oh, and do I really have to say it? Mana-Etched is better than either of these sets, and looks far, far better to boot. And it has spectacular set bonuses to boot.
In summary.
Skip Incanter's. Get Oblivion. Have sex with Mana-Etched.
Posted by
11:00 PM
Labels: Gear
And We're Back!
I didn't post on Sunday. Do I fell guilty? No, not really.
A good friend celebrated his 18th, and I went and got pleasantly drunk. By pleasant, it means I can remember most of the stuff that happened, but everything is coated in a warm, fuzzy feeling. It makes all my memories somewhat fuzzy as well, though...
Some stuff sticks out. Like a blonde chick named Cheryl. And a bowl of phenomenally good Poutine. And being run over by a tank in Halo3.
But I digress. Quite simply put, I don't have enough enough to say to warrant Daily Updates. From now on, I am going to update 4 times per week. Schedule for that TBA; for sure, Mondays and Saturdays will be update days. The other two update days will PROBABLY be Wednesday and Thursday. We shall see.
BUT. Seeing as how I promised daily updates, we're going to need to find someone/thing to fill in on Sundays, Tuesdays, and Fridays. I'm hoping to rope Vox into a regular gig as "That Crazy Sumbitch Wit Da PewPew". We shall see.
Also, I added a new html template thingy to my blog... let's see how it works:
[Gyro-balanced Khorium Destroyer]
Heh. That seemed to work nicely. Let's try some other stuff:
[Robe of Oblivion]
Kek ^_^
Ma links is no longer borked.
Actual update coming later.
Posted by
10:38 PM
Labels: Random