Monday, November 26, 2007


I experienced my very first AFKers in Arathi Basin today.

I was shocked. I was horrified.

I burst into tears at this heresy. Here we were, 11 horde strong, trying to fight off 15 alliance. For the entire battle, alliance held 2 bases, and horde held two bases, and there was always one or two nodes that were in conflict. Sometimes alliance would get three, sometimes horde would get three.
Sometimes Alliance zerged mine, and at one point alliance was capping everything except blacksmith.

And these ungrateful bastards sat in the starting room, getting their daily quest done for doing nothing at all.

Did I spam "AFK" report them? Darn tooting I did. I even went to the /bg chat and said "Report those damn AFKers"

To which some twisted soul replied "type /afk report to see the interface".

After he said that, three people on horde side promptly left the battleground


So that puts horde at 8 versus 15.

I took off my clothes and danced naked at farm.

7 horde versus 15 alliance.

Did we lose? Yes, we lost rather horribly at that point.

Was I happy? Damn right I was.

Some jackhole AFKers aren't getting a daily quest done on my watch.


Anonymous said...

I'm not sure if that's sad, genius, pathetic, or what. Probably a little of each.

But it had naked troll dancing in it, so that's win.

On the plus side, Neth recently remarked that the AFK reporting system is being looked at. I'd also hope that going /afk will prompt a timed idiot window so you can opt not to leave the bg.

Yay, thoughts.

Euripedes said...

WoW already has a ton of idiot window stuff.
They have idiot windows at the AH, they have idiot windows when you loot stuff, they have idiot windows when you respec stuff.

Why not have one for /afk, too?
Makes sense to me.